Best-seller Stocking Stuffer Asian Patches Now Back In Stock

image 2025-02-18

The Holiday Season is extremely difficult for so many of us because we just don't know what to get our loved ones for Christmas.

Our editor has been on his personal journey to promote this product that has become the most sought Christmas gift the last two Christmases and has been selling out ever since. Here's his story.

One of our top editors was great. Until he wasn't. Dennis, renamed here for privacy reasons, is a great colleague and friend of us - good-looking, successful in his career, and in a great long-term relationship. Someone who you'd say has it all.

He graduated from Georgetown University with a Master's in literature and was quick to advance the ranks from writer to editor. Dennis was an inspiration. Except for one terrible problem.

At one period, Dennis started distancing himself from the office and our team. He suffered from severe stress and anxiety, and the signs were showing - he started having grey hairs, developing acne breakouts, and experiencing back pain. He was successful, but the side effects of working long hours were catching up.


Now, Dennis is a close friend of mine, so we kept in touch. He knew the problem was in his lifestyle. He switched careers to a more relaxed position in a local publishing house, started doing yoga, eating healthy. But his problems didn't stop.

Dennis spent two months trying to get back to his old self, but it was all the same - grey hairs, acne breakouts, and back pain.

But he always had an interest in traditional medicine. And he decided to give it a try by going to Asia and speaking to various doctors.

Some doctors tried doing tests, C-Scans, and biopsies, but not one could pinpoint why Dennis was experiencing his symptoms.

Nothing seemed to work. Until one morning, talking to a farmer in a local market, he expressed his health concerns.

"You must go to this hidden Ryokan (a spiritual retreat) where many famous people go to find cures for their problems." The farmer said.

And so Dennis did - he went to this hidden spiritual retreat for a week.

For a week, Dennis learned from the local monks - he cleaned the common spaces with the monks, picked natural food, did yoga, and he started feeling a bit better.


Around the 5th day in this retreat, a practitioner noticed Dennis experiencing severe back pain while he was trying to get up from his bed. He looked at Dennis being in pain, observed his body's movements, the graying of his hair, and the acne breakouts on his face.

The practitioner told Dennis that his body looks like it had a toxin overload. It seemed, he said, like Dennis had lived a very stressful lifestyle and had forgotten to take care of his body for too long. There was a natural ailment, he said, that Dennis should try.

"The feet are full of the most sensitive nerve endings and body energy centers. All body systems flow through the feet. But when was the last time you took proper care of your feet?"

The question dazzled Dennis. He knew the practitioner had a point - even if Dennis tried eating right, going to yoga class, or jogging - he never quite thought about taking care of the part of his body that's amongst the most essential in maintaining a healthy blood flow throughout the body.


The practitioner handed Dennis special feet patches that he said were made from various herbs - a century-old ailment Asian countries had been using to increase perspiration in the feet and help reduce the number of toxins accumulated there as you sweat. After all, he said, the feet is where the first chakra is - it's your connection with the Earth, and if you do not take good care of it, you're might lose this connection.

The patches had a nice, lavender smell and were supposed to be worn at night. The following night, Dennis put the patches on his feet, as instructed by the practitioner. He felt nice warmth and comfort, which helped him fall asleep faster.


The following morning, as Dennis woke and took the patches off, they were dyed in black. Rich, full black. It seemed strange because Dennis had washed his feet the previous night so there was no way for them to be dirty. Dennis went back to the practitioner and asked what the reason may be.

"According to ancient Asian medical knowledge, our human body has over 360 acupuncture points. More than 60 of the acupuncture points are found on the soles of the foot. Our feet are the reflective zones of our internal organs." the practitioner began to explain.

He continued, "these patches touch the 60 acupuncture points on your feet and help detoxify your body. The herb mix improve perspiration, which helps sweat draw out toxins from the feet in a safe and non-invasive way. The sweat and toxins leaving your body are what dye the patches black"

Dennis couldn't believe it - and he was right in his disbelief. Never in his life had he heard of anything similar. But he decided to give the patches a try and continued using them for another week. Each night he would put clean white patches on his feet, and in the morning, he would wake up to the patches being richly black.

However, with each night, the patches seemed to be less and less black. After a few days, he noticed that his face was turning brighter and regaining healthy texture. The graying of his hair seemed to have stopped. Further, even getting out of bed was easier - the pains in his back were lessened.


Dennis found a century-old solution that finally improved his issues

After a week of use, Dennis almost cried. His back pain and acne breakouts had subsided so much that he almost forgot there had been anything wrong. He wanted to purchase more patches to bring back home, but he was told that they were a local ailment that would not be given up to the wider world. But Dennis now knew how to fix his problems, and he vowed to recreate the patches, and even improve on them!

Dennis was introduced to a local farmer that comes from a family of generations of doctors.

Once he left the retreat, Dennis came back to the same town where he had met the farmer in a local market and told him the patches' story and how they helped solve Dennis's problems. The farmer nodded his head and said that a friend of his had made something similar to what Dennis had described.

He then went on to introduce Dennis to Kai Akira, a childhood friend of his.

Kai Akira was an aging Asian doctor. He possessed wisdom passed through generations, care, patience and love. He knew that for the body to be healed the mind and soul should be taken care of as well.

Kai spent his time carefully picking herbs in the forest and later mixing them like his grandfather and father did before. As Dennis and the local farmer came to visit Kai Akira, there was a peaceful rustling of the leaves in the forest close to his home, a pond with koi fish near his little house, surrounded in serenity and silence. Here, the old man Kai Akira explained to Dennis the idea of a 'healing'.

The "healing" is a process, a meditation. The herbs get mixed into a powder, powder is added into a bandage for the feet. That bandage is later perfected into a patch by his own family members - the patch he calls Nuubu. A simple, natural solution to enable perspiration to get rid of toxins and help your body respond better to stress.

And so, Dennis tried the Nuubu patch, and he discovered that it worked even better than the one that he had tried at the retreat. Together with Kai's family, Dennis made dozens of prototypes and tested every version. They gave samples to young and older adults who suffered from low energy and fatigue, and had visible symptoms of a stressful life on their bodies.


What was astonishing was that not only people with brain fog were helped, but healthy people with no pain reported a massive boost in vitality, energy and well being too.

At last, Dennis decided to bring the secret traditional Asian herb ailment to the U.S., sourcing initial production from Kai Akira, and calling the patches 'Nuubu' to show respect to the Asian doctor.

Nuubu catches on like wildfire!

Dennis gave out hundreds of samples of Nuubu to everyone he knew for Christmas. With only word of mouth, both people who were suffering and people who loved the new energy they felt were grilling Dennis about where he got them.

Nuubu is now available to everyone! Dennis formed a company to sell the original, powerful, perfected Nuubu TO EVERYONE! He decided to market them directly to the public at a reasonable price. This was so he could control the quality. The manufacturing process has to be precise. The herbs have to be picked and dried in rural Asian countries. The process of packing must be exact, herb after herb, just like Kai Akira packaged them. Dennis knew there might be imitators, but no other company had the real secret of which specific herbs need to be picked for the patch. The first run of Nuubu EXPLODED. Reorders and new orders piled in. Pretty soon, the demand for Nuubu was outstripping the herb pickers' ability to pick enough herbs!

Because of Dennis' efforts, it has become the most popular Christmas gift in his own circles and beyond!

Nuubu will work immediately. It's time to sweat out toxin induced health issues!


Find out how they work and get Nuubu for your loved ones!

Everyone is looking for a way to improve their lives in the New Year. Nuubu might help to do that effortlessly, and helps you and your loved ones turn their lives around as soon as you find them under the Christmas tree!

Nuubu aids your body in toxin removal by using the power of sweat to tap into acupuncture points on the soles of your feet, along with increased perspiration. These foot pads offer a convenient and healthy way to help your body sweat out toxins, helping you live a stronger and happier life. The detox patches also contain wood vinegar and negative ions which can be beneficial for our body.

Furthermore, foot patches also may help in improving blood circulation. Poor blood circulation symptoms include cold hands and feet, muscle cramps, tiredness, heavy or aching legs. If you have any of them, Nuubu is believed to aid with their relief as your feet get warmer.

When blood circulates through the foot, increasing perspiration, the patch utilizes these points to draw out toxins. As toxins are pushed away, they end up at the lower extremities such as the feet. Gravity is also aiding in bringing those heavy metals and toxins to our feet - the place where you put Nuubu to improve the process of extracting the toxins from your body.*

What to expect

When you wake up, you may find the pads yellow, brown or black. That is said to be the reaction of the pads, helping eliminate the toxins through the night. The first few nights you use Nuubu, expect to see the pads dark. As you use them continuously, they should change to a lighter color - this may imply that the toxins in your body may be reducing.


1. Regular medicine treats symptoms, Nuubu gets to the root of the problem - toxins - and tackles them by increasing the sweat your body produces.

Nuubu is developed based on centuries-old Asian medicinal wisdom. It may help tackle the true, hidden cause behind a lot of symptoms that your body may be experiencing by removing the toxins - the root cause of many pains & problems - from your body.

2. Nuubu is natural and nature friendly

Nuubu is made from herbs found in the Asian forests! It is all-natural. The herbs are of Asian origin, tried-and-true by the local healing-men through Centuries. No pollution is caused in making Nuubu patches - they are environmentally friendly.

3. May help relieve stress

One of the key benefits of Nuubu is stress relief. The pads comfort the soles of the feet at night, claiming to rid the body of stress and fatigue that accumulate through the day.

4. Reduces anxiety

Nuubu also promises to drive away your anxiety while you sleep. After a few days of use, you should feel more ease and clarity in your mind and body upon waking up.

5. Better sleep

Whether you're having trouble sleeping or not, Nuubu can help improve your sleep. The comfort Nuubu provides for your soles should make your night more blissful and improve your sleep quality so that you wake up well-rested and active.

6. Anti-Aging effects

Nuubu is anti-aging - it improves your skin as well as organs! The removal of toxins helps clean pores, so you should see a reduction in acne breakouts and other skin-related problems. Expect to see your skin looking glossy and young after using Nuubu!

How do you use Nuubu?

Keep them in your bed table, so you don't have to walk around once you put them on. Remove the packaging and place the pad on the central area of the bottom of your foot, and apply the attached strip over the pad to make sure that it stays in place. And that's it! You can go to sleep, and keep Nuubu on overnight - only remove them in the morning. Once you peel them off, you should see the results by the color of the patches. Each patch is for single-use, so apply new ones every night.


Still not convinced?

Nuubu will give you and your loved ones the relief that you've been missing. You may have more energy, feel healthier, and, overall, happier.

Finding a pack of Nuubu under the Christmas tree will have a profound effect on your loved ones well-being!

For a limited time, Nuubu Detox Foot Patches are available with a 70% off reduction for the readers of this article.

They'll feel so amazing your loved ones will be begging for them every Christmas!

Removing toxins from your body can:

➢ reduce back pain;

➢ increase sleep quality;

➢ relieve stress and anxiety;

➢ clean pores and battle acne;

➢ vitalize your body with new energy.

Readers of this article get 70% OFF Nuubu today! Get genuine Nuubu only at the official site ➢

Millions of people worldwide are adding Nuubu to their Christmas lists!

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